/Here is a sample of some essential words for beginner and lower intermediate TOEIC students related to the office and office life.
call 電話をかける/電話
colleague 同僚、仲間
commute 通勤する
construction 工場、建築
co-worker 同僚、協力者
document 文書、書類
efficiently 効率的に
equipment 備品、設備、装置
facility 設備
floor 床、階
invoice 送り状、請求明細書
reception 受付、宴会
reply 返事をする/返事
rule 規則/支配する
section 会社の部門[課/部]
security 安全、警備
Windsor Eikaiwa students can access the full set of words and also access our flashcards to more effectively remember the vocabulary.